The Club kicked off their charity galas for the 2015/6 season with the gala in aid of the Guide Dogs for the Blind. A full set of 16 teams, raffle, name the dog and other activities helped to raise over £500 for the charity. A couple of Guide Dog puppies also paid a visit to show people what their effort on the day is all for.
After the first round of games “GDW” led the way with 8 points, one ahead of “3 & Me”, “Yellow Peril”, “Corny A” and “Who Let the Dogs Out”. “Haters say No”, “The Old Dogs” and “Guide Frogs for the Daft” completed the teams that started with a win. Heading into the midway break and an auction of soft drink packs kindly provided by Britvic there was a three way tie for top spot, “Yellow Peril”, “3 & Me” and “The Old Dogs” all on 13 points. “Haters Say No” with 11 points and “GDW” on 10 completed the top five. Refreshed from the break “Haters Say No” raced into the lead, one point ahead of “3 & Me”. In joint third were “Yellow Peril” and “GDW”, while “The Old Dogs” and “Who Let the Dogs Out” were joint fifth. With the last woods bowled “Yellow Peril” (Bob & Sue Henderson and Mandy & Pat Dahlgren) had retaken the lead, earning the top dog crown with 23 points. “GDW” and “Who Let the Dogs Out” were joint second on 22 points. Fourth place went to “The Old Dogs” and “3 & Me” and “Haters Say No” in joint fifth completed the lead group. Welcome for what I hope will be an enjoyable season for all our members. To all those with the competitive edge to their bowls, a most successful season both in their individual quests and in the team competitions. If we can manage to go one further than last season in all those competitions it will have been a creditable performance by all who are fortunate to be involved.
The close season has been an extremely busy one for the Staff which has resulted in the toilet wing and the entrance hall being completed, along with the additional notice board and the tidying up of the entrance hall in general. The toilet wing was a joint effort by the Improvement Fund and the Club, which I hope that you will agree was a long overdue refurbishment of that area. I would like to thank the Improvement Fund for supporting this major project and hopefully we can do the same again at a later date. Our renewable energy project has been stalled due to some unforeseen problems experienced by Emotion Energy in recent weeks. However, I am able to inform you that at a meeting held in the Club on Tuesday 15 September 2015, new suppliers of LED lighting and indeed Bio mass heating have been engaged and progress should be made on both items in the near future. The Company engaged to design and provide and retro fit the LED lights throughout the bowls club is a Korean company that is the global leader in Sports lighting. They are as a group greatly interested in all areas of sports lighting but bowls clubs is an entirely new area that they are definitely keen on getting involved in. Post the meeting on the 15 th Sept. it was agreed that the lighting system would be installed by the end of October 2015. The Bio mass heating system involves a further meeting later this month with the company engaged on that part of the project Bardon Energy and the owner is coming down to complete the survey, hopefully in the next fortnight. So after a disappointing beginning due to unexpected problems that beset Emotion energy I am relieved to be able to report that it would appear that we are back on track. So as things develop I will endeavour to keep the membership informed. The next piece of unwanted news concerns the green. After the scheduled stretch last Thursday a report was drafted by the maintenance team as to a certain amount of remedial work was now required before they would be in a position where they could actually stretch the carpet to acquire a decent speed out of the carpet. As a consequence both myself and Sarah are in a dispute as to why this work was not brought to our attention back in last September when we had our new carpet and underlay put down. Apparently the gripper batons are in a poor state and need replacing along with the new 2” gripper strips. Also the overhang of the ditch side floor boards need trimming, this after a year into the new carpet. We are awaiting a call from Dale’s new maintenance manager to find out just exactly what they Dale’s need to do to put it right. Watch this space, as soon as we are aware of the way ahead I will inform the membership. We still remain in dispute with Dale’s as the remedial work will now be carried out on 27 Sept which means that the green will be out of use for the whole of that day. There is a cost and that is the point that remains an issue, obviously we are trying to remove that cost or secure further interim stretches/s as required at no additional costs to the Club. With the introduction of the new Workplace Pension Scheme, we have had to purchase a new laptop to cope with the increased data required and have purchased one with sufficient spare memory and storage capacity to see us thru’ for the life of the lap top. So again we have had some capital expenses during the close season but we are assured by our Accountants that we are behaving in a responsible manner and that the Club remains sound in that area. The summer indoor leagues have run well and there seems to be an increasing demand for members to move indoors during that period. Many thanks to all those members who played and supported the summer leagues it has brought in revenue that we might not have had. The FANTASTIC 5’s have had a good season with some good and some poor results. RUGBY “A” were unfortunate not to make the competition play offs this season, losing a one bowl shoot out by a single shot, so Melton Pork pies are thru and we wish them success this year for the 3rd year running. Latest news is that they are now once again in the final stages of this very good competition, which is being held at Egham IBC later this month. There are a couple of important rules changes, one which comes into play in the Leagues from the opening day of the season 14 September 2015, this is as follows:- If the jack when delivered is A) not travelled a distance of 23 meters, B) goes into the ditch or C) goes off the rink. IT will NOT be returned, but set on the T – 2 meters from the ditch and the mat placed at the option of the opposing team. The above rule has been incorporated into the league rules and is displayed within the Club on the Ladies and Men’s notice boards. The second change which will come into effect next year in January/February 2016 upon entering your teams in the various leagues, the registration fee will be paid at the same time and is non-refundable. This season sees the return of the Warwick Trophy commencing in December and completing one week before the County Championship finals. Rules will appear on the Men’s notice board once ratified at the first County Management meeting being held at Solihull on 21 st September 2015. We have this year, in June been awarded our Club mark accreditation, this is awarded to sports clubs who have met high quality standards in A) the playing activity/programme, B) duty of care and welfare, C) knowing your club and its community and finally Club Management. We will be re-assessed in June 2018 to ensure that those standards are still applicable and being maintained in all categories. I would like to thank the following members who volunteered to see this task thru, Janet and Bob Arkell, Ron and Julia Scott, Lesley Howes, Sarah Simpson, Beverly Fowler, Emma O’Dowd and Hannah Milde from Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire County Sports Partnership, along with myself acting as co-ordinator. A fantastic job, patiently done, so well done and many thanks for all your support especially during the many re-writes that we had to go thru, it was very much appreciated. Next month, we have the Club’s newest International player travelling to Northern Ireland to compete in the quadrangular Under 18’s meeting. We wish Oliver Fowler a most successful debut and sincerely hope that this is the beginning of many years at this level. A number of members from the Club are going along to support him and I hope that England can come away with another win overall for the fourth successive year. Hope that it is an enjoyable weekend. Following on from that we have Tom Ward competing in the National Finals of the EBYDS at Melton on 18 October, why not come along and support him, the standard of bowling is very high and is always played with great enthusiasm. Finally in closing I would like to wish all the members involved in National team competitions, and individual competitions success, to those other members enjoy the leagues and this year think about entering the Club competitions, but to everyone whatever level you are playing at enjoy the sport for what it is. Support our Gala days, the Staff and your Board as we endeavour to take the Club forward in the community, county and country. David R.Murley The Summer season is nearly over and Thornfield will soon be opening it's doors to welcome you all in from the rain.
Membership rates for the upcoming season are: £48 or £15 for those 21 or under. Rink fees are £3.20 for members and £5.00 for non-members Leagues resume on Monday 14th September. The first of our charity galas is on Sunday 27th September in aid of the Guide Dogs. There will also be a table top sale (tables available for free, contact club for more info) and a Bowls-4-Free session from noon until the start of the gala. |
January 2025